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Purpose icon-olus-circle

To provide direction related to the processes within HHD meet the requirements of University policy AC01 Visiting Scholars.

Overview icon-olus-circle

All faculty wishing to host visiting scholars (both international and domestic) within HHD must familiarize themselves with the University requirements under University policy AC01 Visiting Scholars and Visiting Scholar Host Guidelines.

Definitions icon-olus-circle
  • Individual Host – In HHD, only faculty members, department heads, or academic employees are eligible to host visiting scholars and to invite scholars to the college.
  • Administrative Host – In HHD, the administrative staff person in the department or center submitting the forms and ensuring the completion of the visiting scholar approval and/or I-start administrative process, if applicable, serves as the administrative host.
  • Dean or Dean Designee – In HHD, Nicole Webster, Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, serves as the Dean’s designee with approval and signature authority for matters related to visiting scholars.
Approval Process icon-olus-circle

All individual hosts must allow a minimum of 90 days for the approval of a visiting scholar prior to arrival. In the case where J-1 visa sponsorship is needed, the istart process must be initiated simultaneously with the visiting scholars approval process. Without approval the visiting scholar cannot have access to college facilities and resources not open to the public. The approval process is as follows:

  • Individual host must seek approval from their department head to invite the visiting scholar to the college.
  • Once written approval has been obtained from the department head, the individual host must contact the administrative host and provide all information necessary for the completion of the Visiting Scholars Approval Request form. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:
    • Name, address, email and phone number of the visitor
    • Visitor’s home institution
    • Desired arrival date
    • Length of visit
    • Physical location
    • J-1 visa requirements
    • Research responsibilities
    • Facilities accesses needed
    • Financial reimbursements planned, if any, and funding source
      • All reimbursements are subject to approval by HHD Finance Office and in accordance with University policy.
  • After receipt of all necessary information, the administrative host sends an invitation email to the visiting scholar. See template referenced below.
  • Once all required documentation is returned to the administrative host by the visitor, the administrative host will initiate the Visiting Scholar Request form in docfinity.


Note for administrative hosts:

Enter Nicole Webster’s PSU access ID (nsw10) in the system when you are asked to identify the dean or dean designee. If Nicole’s user ID is not indicated, she will not receive any notifications that a request is awaiting her approval.

  • Once college approval has been obtained, the forms will route to the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs for final approval.
  • The administrative host and individual host will be notified via email when the final approval is made.
Workday Appointment Process icon-olus-circle

Once final approval is obtained, the administrative host must submit the “Add Contingent Worker” form by logging into Worklion.

Extensions icon-olus-circle

Extensions beyond their original end date: 

If a visiting scholar wishes to extend their visit beyond their original end date, the individual host must seek approval from the department head. Once approved the extension process outlined in the Host Guidelines must be followed including the submission of a new Visiting Scholar Agreement, reflecting the dates of the extension, to Nicole Webster (nsw10), Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, via the online system. The request will then route to the Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs for review and approval.  Please also consult with Global Programs if you are hosting an international Visiting Scholar requiring an extension of the J-1 visa. All applicable visa requirements must continue to be met throughout the entirety of the visit.

Extensions beyond a total visit of two years: 

An extension beyond two years must be approved by the Dean of the College or Institute Director, where applicable, and the Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs and will be granted only for extraordinary and compelling reasons. In these cases, the new Visiting Scholar agreement needs to be completed and sent to Nicole Webster,  Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, via email first for routing to the Dean for review and approval. If approved, the Dean will provide an approval memo. Both the approval memo and Visiting Scholar Agreement will be returned to the unit for submission via the online system for Faculty Affairs for review and approval.

Departure Process icon-olus-circle

At the conclusion of the visit, the individual host must notify the administrative host of the departure and follow department exit protocols. Please see University policy HR102 Separation and Transfer Protocol. Upon notice, the administrative host must terminate the visiting scholar’s “contingent worker” appointment by submitting an “Initiate Separation” form by logging into Worklion.