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Health Policy and Administration
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Supporting Courses and Concentrations

HPA Supporting Course List

The 30-credit supporting course or related area requirement is available to help you:

  1. Explore various interests to help narrow down career choices;
  2. Integrate knowledge from a variety of sources and fields as it applies to HPA; and
  3. Focus on a specific type of knowledge that could lead to a targeted career path or that might supplement a targeted career path.

Focus areas include the following concentrations: General HPA Studies, Health Services Management, Health Policy and Planning, Population and Public Health, Long-term Services and Supports, and Health Data Analytics. Your academic adviser or faculty mentor can help when deciding what courses to choose in this area.

Courses selected in consultation with your adviser:

Students are encouraged to consider how a course might be useful to their current interests and goals. An important part of academic planning is working with an academic adviser not only to understand the role of this Supporting Course requirement, but also to make sure that course selections complement the academic requirements of the Health Policy and Administration major. Visit the undergraduate bulletin for more information regarding program requirements of the HPA major.

Courses other than those listed below may be used to meet this 30-credit requirement, but course substitutions require department approval and must be consistent with the student’s plan of study.

Related university minors or certificates are a good way to provide a focus to your HPA studies. Many courses are cross-listed between the supporting course list and relevant minors and will automatically be placed in your degree audit. A list of suggested related minors is provided on our FAQ page.

Proficiency in another language can be helpful to anyone. The department will approve the substitution of up to 12 credits in a foreign language toward the 30-credit related area requirement.

Health Policy and Administration course list by concentration (July 2024)

To look for supporting courses that correspond to your area of interest, find the HPA concentration that you are interested in pursuing and select the corresponding course topics from the list below. Specific courses and their numbers can be found by expanding the individual subject area. Individuals course descriptions can be found on the university bulletin.

Reminder: To receive recognition for completing one of the HPA Concentrations, you must choose classes associated with the individual tracks listed below.

Generalist Concentration and Pre-Health Goals Concentration:

Anthropology (ANTH) icon-olus-circle
1 Understanding Humans
21 Introductory Biological Anthropology (3)
45N Cultural Diversity: A Global Perspective (3)
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (BMB) icon-olus-circle
1 The Science of Sickness (3)
211 Elementary Biochemistry (3), Prerequisite:CHEM 110; CHEM 202 or CHEM 210
401 General Biochemistry (3), Prerequisite: CHEM 212; BMB 251 or BIOL 230
402 General Biochemistry (3), Prerequisite: BMB 401 or CHEM 476
Biological Science (BISC) icon-olus-circle
1 Structure and Function of Organisms (3)
2 Genetics, Ecology, and Evolution (3)
3 Environmental Science (3) 
4 Human Body: Form and Function (3) 
Biology (BIOL) icon-olus-circle
110 Biology: Basic Concepts and Biodiversity (4) 
155 Introduction to the Biology of Aging (3)
161 Human Anatomy and Physiology I - Lecture (3) 
162 Human Anatomy and Physiology I - Lab (1), Enforced concurrent course at enrollment: BIOL 161
163 Human Anatomy and Physiology II- Lecture (3), Enforced prerequisites at enrollment: BIOL 161
164 Human Anatomy and Physiology II- Lab (1), Enforced concurrent courses at enrollment: BIOL 163
230W Biology: Molecules and Cells (4), Prerequisite: BIOL 110 or BIOL 110H, Recommended preparations: CHEM 110
240W Biology:Function and Development of Organisms (4), Prerequisite: BIOL 110 OR BIOL 110H and CHEM 110 OR CHEM 110H 
Chemistry (CHEM) icon-olus-circle
110 Chemical Principles I (3), Prerequisite: satisfactory performance on the Math placement tests -- i.e.,  placement beyond the level of MATH 022; or CHEM 101 and MATH 022 or MATH 041. GN credit for CHEM 110 requires that CHEM 111 also be completed.  
111 Experimental Chemistry I (1), Prerequisite: or concurrent: CHEM 110 or CHEM 106
112 Chemical Principles II (3), Prerequisite: CHEM 110 or CHEM 106 
113 Experimental Chemistry II (1)  Prerequisite:  CHEM 111 . Prerequisite or concurrent: CHEM 112 
210 Organic Chemisrty I (3), Prerequisite: satisfactory performance on the Math placement tests -- i.e. placement beyond the level of MATH 022; or CHEM 101 and MATH 022 or MATH 041  
212 Organic Chemistry II (3), Prerequisite: CHEM 110 orCHEM 106   
213 Laboratory for Organic Chemistry (2), Prerequisite: CHEM 111. Prerequisite or concurrent: CHEM 112 
Communication Arts and Sciences (CAS) icon-olus-circle
101N Introduction to Human Communication (3)
162N Communicating Care (3), Prerequisite: ENGL 15 or 30
175 Persuasion and Propaganda (3)
200 Language, Culture, and Communication (3) 
203 Interpersonal Communication (3)
206 Mediation and Communication (3) 
213 Persuasive Speaking (3), Prerequisite: CAS 100
215 Argumentation (3) 
250 Small Group Communication (3)
251 Communication, Advocacy, and Entrepreneurship
252 Business and Professional Communication (3)
253 Health Communication (3) 
271N Intercultural Communication (3) 
283 Communication and Information Technology I (3)
352 Organizational Communication (3)
404 Conflict Resolution and Negotiation (3), Prerequisite: CAS 100
421 Communication and Aging (3), Prerequisite: 3 credits of CAS
426W Communication Ethics (3), Prerequisite: CAS 100
450W Group Communication Theory and Research (3)
452 Organizational Communication Theory and Research (3) Prerequisite: CAS 100 or CAS 137H or ENGL 137H or 3rd semester standing or 6 credits of CAS
453 Health Communication Theory and Research (3), Prerequisite: CAS 100
455 Gender Roles in Communication (3), Prerequisite: 3rd semester standing
470 Nonverbal Communication (3), Prerequisite: 6 credits of CAS
471 Intercultural Communication Theory and Research (3), Prerequisite: 5th semester standing 
478 Contemporary American Political Rhetoric (3), Prerequisite: 3rd semester standing or 6 credits of CAS
483 Communication and Information Technology II (3), Prerequisite: 3rd semester standing or 6 credits of CAS
Health Policy and Administration (HPA) icon-olus-circle
  * 400 Levels Cannot Double Count For 9 Credits At 400 Level HPA Requirement BUTadditional HPA 400 levels can be used as Supporting Courses
57 Consumer Choices in Health Care (3)
100 Research Careers in HPA (1)
295 (Optional) Field Experience (1-3)
296 Independent Studies (1-18)
297 Special Topics (1-9)
401* Comparative Health Systems (3), Prerequisite: HPA 301W
410* Principles of Public Health Administration (3), Prerequisite: HPA 301W and HPA 311
420* Principles of Managed Care (3), Prerequisite: HPA 301W
430* Health Care Leadership (3), Prerequisite: HPA 301W or HPA 311 or HPA 332
433* Administration of Hospital and Health Service Systems (3), Prerequisite: HPA 332
435* Safety Net Health Care (3) Prerequisite: HPA 301W; HPA 311
438* Culturally Competent Health Services for Diverse Populations (3), Prerequisite: HPA 311
440* Principles of Epidemiology (3) / (BBH 440), Prerequisite: BBH 310 or BIOL 230W or HPA 311; STAT 200 or STAT 250
442* Long-Term Care Management (3), Prerequisite: HPA 332
443* Nursing Home Administration (3), Prerequisite: HPA 332
444* Aging Policy in the United States (3), Prerequisite HPA 301W
445* Health Economics  (3) / (ECON 445), Prerequisite: ECON 302 or ECON 315 or ECON 323   
446* Economics and Health in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (3), Prerequisite: ECON 102; STAT 200 or STAT 250
447* Financing Health Care (3), Prerequisite: HPA 332; HPA 211
450* Healthcare Policies and Politics (3), Prerequisite: HPA 101; PLSC 001   
454* Health Care Professional Communication (3), Prerequisites: HPA 301W; HPA 332; HPA 390W
460* Human Resource Management in Health Care Organizations (3), Prerequisite: HPA 332   
470* Health Care Information Management (3), Prerequisite: HPA 332; IST 210; IST 220 
475* Health Care Quality (3), Prerequisite: HPA 332
490* Physician Practice Management (3), Prerequisite: HPA 332   
494H* Senior Honors Thesis (1-6)
495 (Optional) Field Experience (1-12), Prerequisite: HPA 395
496* Independent Study (1-18)
497* Special Topics Offering (1-9)
499* Foreign Study (1-3)
Microbiology (MICRB) icon-olus-circle
106 Elementary Microbiology (3)
107 Elementary Microbiology Laboratory (3), Prerequisite: or concurrent: MICRB 106
201 Introductory Microbiology (3), Prerequisite: CHEM 110
202 Introductory Microbiology Laboratory (2), Prerequisite: CHEM 110. Prerequisite or concurrent: MICRB 201   
412 Medical Microbiology (3), Prerequisite: MICRB 201
Philosophy (PHIL) icon-olus-circle
9 Philosophy, Race, and Diversity (3)
10 Critical Thinking (3)
103 Ethics (3), Prerequisite: ENGL 015 or ENGL 030
105 Philosophy of Law (3)
106 Business Ethics (3)
107 Philosophy of Technology (3)
108 Social and Political Philosophy (3)
110 Philosophy of Science (3)
119 Ethical Leadership (3) 
132 Bioethics (3)
432 Medical and Health Care Ethics (3), Prerequisite: 5th semester standing
Physical Therapy (PT) icon-olus-circle
100 Physical Therpist Assistant - Introduction (3)
120 Human Musculature and Functional Anatomy (2), Concurrent courses: PT 100 or PT 100S; BIOL 161; BIOL 162
150 Physical Therapist Assistant Procedures I (2), Prerequisites: Grade of C or better required in: PT 100; OR PT 100S, PT 120 Concurrent courses: PT 384, PT 270; OR PT 270W; OR PT 271; OR PT 271W
160 Therapeutic Exercise I (3), Prerequisites: A grade of "C" or better in PT 100, OR PT 100S, PT 120 Concurrent courses: PT 384
250 Physical Therapist Assistant--Procedures II (3), Prerequisites: A grade of "C" or better in PT 150
260 Therapeutic Exercise - II (3), Prerequisites: A grade of "C" or better in PT 160
270 Pathophysiology (5), Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in: PT 100 OR PT 100S; BIOL 161; BIOL 162; BIOL 163; BIOL 164
280 Rehabilitation (5), Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in PT 100; OR PT 100S, PT 120 Concurrent courses: PT 384, PT 270; OR PT 270W OR PT 271W
285 Clinical Reasoning for the PTA (2), Prerequisites: A grade of "C" or better is required in: PT 150, PT 160, PT 290, PT 270; OR PT 270W; OR PT 272 Concurrent courses: PT 395E, PT 250, PT 260, PT 280; OR PT 280W; OR PT 282; OR PT 282W
290 Professional Issues in Clinical Practice (2), Prerequisites: A grade of "C" or better in PT 100, OR PT 100S Concurrent courses: PT 150, PT 160, PT 270; OR PT 270W; OR PT 271; OR PT 271W
384 Applied Kinesiology (3), Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in: BIOL 161; BIOL 162 Concurrent courses: PT 120
395E Physical Therapist Assistant - Practicum I (3), Prerequisites: A grade of "C" or better is required in: PT 100; PT 100S, PT 120 Concurrent courses: PT 150, PT 160, PT 384, PT 290, PT 270; OR PT 270W; OR PT 271; OR PT 271W
395F Physical Therapist Assistant - Practicum II (4), Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in PT 250, PT 260, PT 280, OR PT 280W, OR PT 282 OR PT 282W, PT 270; OR PT 270W; OR PT 272; PT 285, PT 395E
395G Physical Therapist Assistant - Practicum III (4), Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in PT 395F
Physics (PHYS) icon-olus-circle
250 Introductory Physics I (4), Prerequisite:  MATH 022 , MATH 026; or MATH 040; or MATH 041 or satisfactory performance on the mathematics proficiency examination 
251 Introductory Physics II (4), Prerequisite: PHYS 250 or PHYS 211
Psychology (PSYCH) icon-olus-circle
100 Introductory Psychology (3)
212 Introduction to Developmental Psychology (3) Prerequisite: PSYCH 100
221 Introduction to Social Psychology (3), Prerequisite: PSYCH 100
232 Cross-Cultural Psychology (3), Prerequisite: PSYCH 100
243 Introduction to Well-Being and Positive Psychology (3), Prerequisite: PSYCH 100
270 Introduction to Abnormal Psychology (3), Prerequisite: PSYCH 100
281 Introduction to Industrial-Organizational Psychology (3), Prerequisite: PSYCH 100
301W Basic Research Methods in Psychology (4), Prerequisite: PSYCH 100; PSYCH 200 or STAT 200
416 Development Throughout Adulthood / (HDFS 445) (3), Prerequisites: HDFS 249; HDFS 312W or PSYCH 301W; PSYCH 200 or STAT 200 or 3 credits in STAT); 6 credits in HDFS or PSYCH or SOC
423 Social Psychology of Interpersonal/Intergroup Relationships (3), Prerequisite: PSYCH 100; PSYCH 221
432 Multicultural Psychology in America (3), Prerequisite: PSYCH 100; PSYCH 212 or PSYCH 221 or PSYCH 232 or PSYCH 238 or PSYCH 243 or PSYCH 270
441 Health Psychology (3), Prerequisite:  PSYCH 100; PSYCH 212 or PSYCH 221 or PSYCH 232 or PSYCH 238 or PSYCH 243 or PSYCH 261 or PSYCH 270
479 The Psychology of Gender (3), Prerequisites: PSYCH 100; PSYCH 221
484 Work Attitudes and Motivation (3), Prerequisite: PSYCH 100, PSYCH 200; STAT 200
485 Leadership in Work Settings (3) Prerequisite: PSYCH 100, PSYCH 281 
Spanish (SPAN) icon-olus-circle
300B Advanced Grammer and Composition for Students in Medical Related Fields (3), Prerequisite: SPAN 100B
305 Spanish for Social Services (3), Prerequisite: SPAN 215 or 253W
315N Spanish and Spanish-speakers in the US (3)
Women's Studies (WMNST) icon-olus-circle
100 Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies (3)
101N The African American Woman (3)
103 Racism and Sexism (3)
136 Race, Gender, and Employment (3)
452 Women's Health Issues (3), Prerequisite: BIOL 141 or PSYCH 100 or WMNST 100
455 Gender Roles in Communication (3), Prerequisite: 3rd semester standing
458 Critical Feminist Issues in Reproduction (3), Prerequisites: WMNST 100 or WMNST 100U or WMNST 105N or WMNST 106N or WMNST 106Q or WMNST 301 or PSYCH 100
472 Work-Life Practices and Policies / (LHR 472) (3), Prerequisite: 3 credits of LHR

Health Services Management Concentration:

Accounting (ACCTG) icon-olus-circle
211 Financial and Managerial Accounting for Decision Making (4)
305 Financial Statements and Management Decisions (4), Prerequisites: ACCTG 211; FIN 301
340 Cost Accounting (3), Prerequisite: ACCTG 211 or ACCTG 311
440 Advanced Management Accounting (3), Prerequisite: ACCTG 340 or ACCTG 404
462 Governmental and Not-for-Profit Accounting (3), Prerequisite: ACCTG 311 or ACCTG 471
471 Intermediate Financial Accounting I (3), Prerequisite: ACCTG 211 or ACCTG 311
472 Intermediate Financial Accounting II (3), Prerequisite: ACCTG 371 or ACCTG 471
Business Administration (BA) icon-olus-circle
241 Legal Environment of Business (2)
242 Social and Ethical Environment of Business (2)
301 Finance (3), Prerequisite: ECON 102 or 104
302 Supply Chains (3), Prerequisite: ECON 102 or ECON 104; ACCTG 211; SCM 200 or STAT 200 or STAT 250 or ECON 306 or IE 424 or DS 200
303 Marketing (3), Prerequisite: ECON 102 or 104
304 Management and Organization (3), Prerequisite: ECON 102 or 104 
321 Contemporary Skills for Business Professionals (3), Prerequisite: ACCTG 211; ECON 102 or ECON 104; ENGL 15 and Concurrent: SCM 200 or STAT 200; MIS 204
322 Negotiation Skills for Business Professionals (3), Prerequisite: ACCTG 211; ECON 102 or ECON 104; ENGL 15. Concurrent: SCM 200 or STAT 200; MIS 204
342 Socially Responsible, Sustainable, and Ethical Business Practice (3), Prerequisite: MGMT 301 or MGMT 301W or BA 304. Concurrent: FIN 301 or BA 301; MKTG 301 or BA 303; SCM 301 or BA 302
441 Strategies for Enterprise Sustainability (3), Prerequisite: BA 342
442 Sustainable Behavior of Consumers, Firms, and Societies (3), Prerequisite: BA 342 or SUST 200 or CED 152
Business Law (BLAW) icon-olus-circle
243 Legal Environment of Business (3), Prerequisite: 3rd semester standing
Communication Arts and Sciences (CAS) icon-olus-circle
101N Introduction to Human Communication (3)
162N Communicating Care (3), Prerequisite: ENGL 15 or 30
175 Persuasion and Propaganda (3)
200 Language, Culture, and Communication (3) 
203 Interpersonal Communication (3)
206 Mediation and Communication (3) 
213 Persuasive Speaking (3), Prerequisite: CAS 100
215 Argumentation (3) 
250 Small Group Communication (3)
251 Communication, Advocacy, and Entrepreneurship
252 Business and Professional Communication (3)
253 Health Communication (3) 
271N Intercultural Communication (3) 
283 Communication and Information Technology I (3)
352 Organizational Communication (3)
404 Conflict Resolution and Negotiation (3), Prerequisite: CAS 100
421 Communication and Aging (3), Prerequisite: 3 credits of CAS
426W Communication Ethics (3), Prerequisite: CAS 100
450W Group Communication Theory and Research (3)
452 Organizational Communication Theory and Research (3) Prerequisite: CAS 100 or CAS 137H or ENGL 137H or 3rd semester standing or 6 credits of CAS
453 Health Communication Theory and Research (3), Prerequisite: CAS 100
455 Gender Roles in Communication (3), Prerequisite: 3rd semester standing
470 Nonverbal Communication (3), Prerequisite: 6 credits of CAS
471 Intercultural Communication Theory and Research (3), Prerequisite: 5th semester standing 
478 Contemporary American Political Rhetoric (3), Prerequisite: 3rd semester standing or 6 credits of CAS
483 Communication and Information Technology II (3), Prerequisite: 3rd semester standing or 6 credits of CAS
Communications (COMM) icon-olus-circle
320 Introduction to Advertising (3), Prerequisite: 3rd semester standing
370 Public Relations (3), Prerequisite: 3rd semester standing
403 Law of Mass Communications (3)
472 Public Relations Event Planning (3), Prerequisite: COMM 370
Corporate Communications (CC) icon-olus-circle
200 Introduction to Corporate Communications (3)
404 Risk and Crisis in Corporate Communications (3), Prerequisite: CC 200
405 Strategic Speaking (3), Prerequisite: CC 200
406 Social Media in Corporate Communications (3), Prerequisite: CC 200
Environmental Resource Management (ERM) icon-olus-circle
402 Foundations of Sustainable Business (3), Prerequisite: AG BM 101 or ECON 102 or ECON 104 and 7th semester standing
Engineering (ENGR) icon-olus-circle
310 Entrpreneurial Leadership (3)                              
Finance (FIN) icon-olus-circle
301 Corporation Finance (3), Prerequisite: ENGL 015 or ENGL 030; ACCTG 211; ECON102 or ECON 104; SCM 200 or STAT 200
Human Development and Family Studies (HDFS) icon-olus-circle
129 Introduction to Human Development and Family Studies (3)
229 Infant and Child Development (3)
239 Adolescent Development (3)
249N Adult Development and Aging (3)
250 Sexual Identity over the Life Span (3), Enforced prerequisite at enrollment: 3 credits in ANTH or BBH or CAS or COMM or CRIM or CRIMJ or GEOG or HDFS or HIST or PSYCH or SOC or WMNST
287 Intercultural Community-Building (3)
315 Family Development (3), Prerequisite: HDFS 129; 3 credits of social behavioral or human biological sciences
405 Gender and Social Development (3) Prerequisite: HDFS 129 and (HDFS 312W or 6 credits in ANTH or BBH or CAS or COMM or CRIM or CRIMJ or GEOG or HDFS or HIST or PSYCH or SOC or WMNST or BIOL or BISC) 
412 Adult-Child Relationships (3), Prerequisite: HDSF 229 OR PSYCH 212; HDFS 311; HDFS 312W; HDFS 315 OR HDFS 315Y
416 Racial and Ethnic Diversity and the American Family (3), Prerequisite: 3 credits in sociology
424 Family Development in an Economic Context (3), Prerequisite: HDFS 312W; HDFS 315 OR HDFS 315Y
428 Infant Development (3), Prerequisite: HDFS 229 or PSYCH 212; HDFS 312W
429 Advanced Child Development (3), Prerequisite: HDFS 229 or PSYCH 212; HDFS 312W
431 Family Disorganization: Stress Points in the Contemporary Family (3), Prerequisite: 6 credits in HDFS or 6 credits in PSYCH or 6 credits in SOC or (3 credits in HDFS and 3 credits in PSYCH) or (3 credits in HDFS and 3 credits in SOC) or (3 credits in PSYCH and 3 credits in SOC) 
432 Developmental Problems in Childhood and Adolescence (3), Prerequisite: HDFS 229; HDFS 239 or PSYCH 212; HDFS 312W
433 Developmental Transitions to Adulthood (3), Prerequisite: HDFS 239; HDFS 312W
434 Perspectives on Aging (3) / (SOC 435), Prerequisite: HDFS 312W; 6 credits in sociology
440 Family Policy (3), Prerequisite: 3 credits of SOC of HDFS
445 Development Throughout Adulthood (3), Prerequisite: HDFS 249; HDFS 312W or PSYCH 301W; PSYCH 200 or STAT 200 or 3 credits in STAT; 6 credits in HDFS or PSYCH or SOC
447 Issues in Gerontology (3), Prerequisite: HDFS 249 or HDFS 445; HDFS 312W
455 Development and Administration of Human Services Programs (3), Prerequisite: HDFS 311
Industrial Engineering (IE) icon-olus-circle
305 Product Design, Specification and Measurement (3), Enforced prerequisite at enrollment: EDSGN 100
322 Probabilistic Models in Industrial Engineering (3), Enforced prerequisite at enrollment: MATH 141
323 Stastistical Methods in Industrial Engineering (3), Enforced prerequisite as enrollment: IE 322
433 Regression Analysis and Design of Experiments (3), Enforced prerequisite at enrollment: IE 323 or STAT 319 or MATH 319 or STAT 415 or MATH 415
434 Statistical Quality Control (3), Enforced prerequisite at enrollment: IE 323 or STAT 319 or MATH 319 or STAT 415 or MATH 415
436 Six Sigma Methodology (3), Enforced prerequisite at enrollment: IE 323 or STAT 319 or MATH 319 or STAT 415 or MATH 415
Information Sciences and Technology (IST) icon-olus-circle
110 Introduction to Information, People and Technology (3)
210 Organization of Data (3), Recommended prerequisite: IST 110
220 Networking and Telecommunications (3), Recommended prerequisite: IST 110
Labor and Human Resources (LHR) icon-olus-circle
100 Exploring Work and Employment (3)
136 Race, Gender, and Employment (3)
201 Employment Relationship: Law and Policy (3)
304 Labor and Employment Relations Fundamentals
305 Human Resources Fundamentals
401 The Law of Labor-Management Relations (3), Prerequisite: LHR 100 or 5th semester standing or 3 other credits of LHR
409 Leadership Development: A Life-Long Learning Perspective (3), Prerequisite: OLEAD 100 or 5th semester standing
426 Staffing and Training Strategies in Organizations (3), Prerequisite: LHR 100 or 3 other credits of LHR or 5th semester standing
434 Advanced Collective Bargaining and Contract Administration (3), Prerequisite: LHR 304
437 Workplace Dispute Resolution (3), Prerequisite: LHR 100 or 3 other credits of LHR or 6th 5th Semester standing
444 Workplace Safety and Health: Principles and Practices (3), Prerequisite: LER 100 or 6th semester standing
460 Ethics in the Workplace (3), Prerequisite: LHR 100 or 5th semester standing or 3 other credits of LHR
464 Communication Skills for Leaders in Groups and Organizations (3) / (OLEAD 464) 
465 Collective Decision Making (3) / (OLEAD 465)
472 Work-Life Practices and Policies (3) / (WMNST 472), Prerequisite: 3 credits of LHR
Management (MGMT) icon-olus-circle
215 Entrepreneurial Mindset (3)
301 Basic Management Concepts (3), Prerequisite: ENGL 015 or ENGL 030; ECON 102 or ECON 104; MATH 021 or higher or satisfactory score on the mathematics placement examination 
331 Management and Organization (3), Prerequisite: BA 304 or MGMT 301
341 Human Resource Management (3), Prerequisite: BA 304 or MGMT 301
355 Leadership and Change in Organizations (3), Prerequisite: MGMT 301
425 New Venture Creation (3), Prerequisite: ECON 102 or ECON 104 or ECON 14 or MGMT 215; CAS 100 or CAS 138T or EMSC 100S
441 Organizational Staffing and Development (3), Prerequisite: MGMT 341
445 Managing a Diverse Workforce (3), Prerequisite: MGMT 301
Marketing (MKTG) icon-olus-circle
220 Introduction to Selling Techniques (3), Prerequisite third semester standing
301 Principles of Marketing (3), Prerequisite: ENGL 015 or ENGL 030; ECON 102 or ECON 104; MATH 21 or higher or satisfactory score on mathematics placement exam
Mathematics (MATH) icon-olus-circle
140 Calculus With Analytic Geometry I (4), Enforced prerequisite at enrollment: MATH 22 and MATH 26 or MATH 26 and satisfactory performance on the mathematics placement examination or MATH 40 or MATH 41 or satisfactory performance on the mathematics placement examination.
141 Calculus With Analytic Geometry II (4), Enforced prerequisite at Enrollment: MATH 140 or MATH 140A or MATH 140B or MATH 140E or MATH 140G or MATH 140H.
Organizational Leadership (OLEAD) icon-olus-circle
100 Introduction to Leadership (3)
210 Evidence-Based Leadership (3)
220 Emotional, Social, and Cultural Intelligences and the Implications for Leadership (3)
409 Leadership Development: A Life-Long Learning Perspective (3), Prerequisite: 6th semester standing
411 Women and Leadership (3), Prerequisite: OLEAD 100; or 6th Semester standing
464 Communication Skills for Leaders in Groups and Organizations (3), Prerequisite: 5th semester standing 
465 Collective Decision Making (3), Prerequisite: 5th semester standing
Workforce Education (WF ED) icon-olus-circle
450 Cultural Diversity in the Workplace (3)

Health Policy and Planning Concentration:

African American Studies (AFAM) icon-olus-circle
100N Living While Black: Themes in African American Thought and Experience (3)
302 Diversity and Health (3) Prerequisite: PSYCH 100 or SOC 001
409 Racial and Ethnic Inequality in America (3) Prerequisite: SOC 001
Biobehavioral Health (BBH) icon-olus-circle
48 Values and Health Behavior (1.5)
101 Introduction to Behavioral Health (3)
119 Behavior, Health, and Disease (3)
130 Strategies for Addressing the Obesity and Diabetes Epidemics (3)
143 Drugs, Behavior, and Health (3)
146 Introduction to Health and Human Sexuality (3)
251 Straight Talks I: Advanced Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity Peer Education (3)
302 Diversity and Health (3), Prerequisite: PSYCH 100 or SOC 001
305 Introduction to Global Health Issues (3), Prerequisite: BBH 101
315 Gender and Biobehavioral Health (3), Prerequisite: BBH 101
316 Foundations and Principles of Health Promotion (3), Prerequisite: BBH 101
324 HealthWorks Peer Education Training (3)
325 Health Promotion Services Training (3), Prerequisites: PSYCH 100 or CAS 100
370 Environmental Health and Sustainability (3), Prerequisite: BBH 101 and BBH 316
402 African Health and Development (3), Enforced prerequisite at enrollment: BBH 305
407 Global Health Equity (3), Enforced prerequisite at enrollment: BBH 101 or 3 credits in SOC
432 Biobehavioral Aspects of Stress (3), Prerequisite: BBH 101, BIOL 141, BBH 310 or equivalent
440 Principles of Epidemiology (3) / (HPA 440), Prerequisite: BBH 101 or BIOL 110 or HPA 310; STAT 200 or STAT 250
452 Women's Health Issues (3), Prerequisite: BIOL 141 or PSYCH 100 or WMNST 100
458 Critical Issues in Reproduction (3), Prerequisite: WMNST 100 or WMNST 100U or WMNST 105N or WMNST 106N or WMNST 106Q or WMNST 301 or PSYCH 100
Communication Arts and Sciences (CAS) icon-olus-circle
101N Introduction to Human Communication (3)
162N Communicating Care (3), Prerequisite: ENGL 15 or 30
175 Persuasion and Propaganda (3)
200 Language, Culture, and Communication (3) 
203 Interpersonal Communication (3)
206 Mediation and Communication (3) 
213 Persuasive Speaking (3), Prerequisite: CAS 100
215 Argumentation (3) 
250 Small Group Communication (3)
251 Communication, Advocacy, and Entrepreneurship
252 Business and Professional Communication (3)
253 Health Communication (3) 
271N Intercultural Communication (3) 
283 Communication and Information Technology I (3)
352 Organizational Communication (3)
404 Conflict Resolution and Negotiation (3), Prerequisite: CAS 100
421 Communication and Aging (3), Prerequisite: 3 credits of CAS
426W Communication Ethics (3), Prerequisite: CAS 100
450W Group Communication Theory and Research (3)
452 Organizational Communication Theory and Research (3) Prerequisite: CAS 100 or CAS 137H or ENGL 137H or 3rd semester standing or 6 credits of CAS
453 Health Communication Theory and Research (3), Prerequisite: CAS 100
455 Gender Roles in Communication (3), Prerequisite: 3rd semester standing
470 Nonverbal Communication (3), Prerequisite: 6 credits of CAS
471 Intercultural Communication Theory and Research (3), Prerequisite: 5th semester standing 
478 Contemporary American Political Rhetoric (3), Prerequisite: 3rd semester standing or 6 credits of CAS
483 Communication and Information Technology II (3), Prerequisite: 3rd semester standing or 6 credits of CAS
Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSD) icon-olus-circle
146 Introduction to Communication Sciences and Disorders (3) 
218 American Sign Language I (3)
269 Deaf Culture (3)
Economics (ECON) icon-olus-circle
104 Introductory Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy (3)
106 Statistical Foundations for Econometrics (3)
302 Intermediate Microeconomic Analysis (3), Prerequisite: ECON 102
304 Intermediate Macroeconomic Analysis (3), Prerequisite: ECON 104
306 Introduction to Econometrics (3), Prerequisite: ECON 106
315 Labor Economics (3), Prerequisite: ECON 102
323 Public Finance (3), Prerequisite: ECON 102
342 Industrial Organization (3), Prerequisite: ECON 102
402 Decision Making and Strategy in Economics (3), Prerequisite: ECON 302; SCM 200 or STAT 200
412 Labor Economics and Labor Markets: Theory, Evidence, and Policy (3), Prerequisite: ECON 302 or ECON 315
425 Economics of Public Expenditures (3), Prerequisite: ECON 302 or ECON 323
445 Health Economics / (HPA 445) (3), Prerequisite: ECON 302, ECON 315 or ECON 323
Geography (GEOG) icon-olus-circle
220 Perspectives on Human Geography (3)
230 Geographic Perspectives on Environment, Society and Sustrainability (3)
324 Place, Space and Culture (3), Prerequisites: GEOG 220 or GEOG 20 or GEOG 2N
425 Geography of Race, Class, and Poverty in America (3), Prerequisites: GEOG 126; ECON 102 or ECON 104
433 Geographies of Justice (3)
Global and International Studies (GLIS) icon-olus-circle
101N Globalization
102N Global Pathways 
Philosophy (PHIL) icon-olus-circle
9 Philosophy, Race, and Diversity (3)
10 Critical Thinking (3)
103 Ethics (3), Prerequisite: ENGL 015 or ENGL 030
105 Philosophy of Law (3)
106 Business Ethics (3)
107 Philosophy of Technology (3)
108 Social and Political Philosophy (3)
110 Philosophy of Science (3)
119 Ethical Leadership (3) 
132 Bioethics (3)
432 Medical and Health Care Ethics (3), Prerequisite: 5th semester standing
Political Science (PLSC) icon-olus-circle
3 Comparing Politics around the Globe (3)
120N State, Society, and Public Policy (3)
202 American Public Policy (3), Prerequisite: PLSC 1 or PLSC 1H or PLSC 1S
309 Quantitative Political Analysis (3), Prerequisite: Any 3 credits in political science
403 The Legislative Process (3), Prerequisite: PLSC 1 or PLSC 3
404 Analyzing Public Policy in the American States (3), Prerequisite: PLSC 1, PLSC 309
425 Government and Politics of the American States (3), Prerequisite: PLSC 001
426 Political Parties and Interest Groups (3), Prerequisite: PLSC 1
427 Political Opinion (3), Prerequisite: PLSC 1
428 Gender and Politics / (WMNST 428) (3), Prerequisite: 3 credits in political science or women's studies
471 American Constitutional Law (3), Prerequisite: PLSC 1
472 The American Legal Process (3), Prerequisite: PLSC 1
488 Comparative Public Policy (3), Prerequisite: PLSC 003
474 Civil Liberties and Due Process (3), Prerequisite: PLSC 1
489 Public Administration (3), Prerequisite: PLSC 001
490 Policy Making and Evaluation (3), Prerequisite: PLSC 1 , PL C 2 , or PUBPL 304W
Public Policy (PUBPL) icon-olus-circle
305 Leadership Studies (3), Prerequisite: 4th semester standing
306 Introduction to Crisis and Emergency Management (3)
419 Race and Public Policy (3), Enforced prerequisite at enrollment: 3 credits in SOC
475 Critical Infrastructure Protection (3), Prerequisites: PLSC 201; HLS 4-4
482 Seminar in Health Policy (3)
490 Seminar in Public Policy (3), Prerequisite: 7th semester standing
Rural Sociology (R SOC) icon-olus-circle
11 Introductory to Rural Sociology (3) 
Science (SC) icon-olus-circle
125N History of Infection Disease and Epidemiology (3)
135N Society and Disease Management (3)
Statistics (STAT) icon-olus-circle
318 Elementary Probability (3), Enforced prerequisite at enrollment: MATH 141
319 Elementary Mathematical Statistics (3), Enforced prerequisite at enrollment: MATH 318 or STAT 318 or MATH 414 or STAT 414 or STAT 418 or MATH 418
401 Experimental Methods (3), Enforced prerequisite at enrollment: MATH 111 or MATH 141
414 Introduction to Probability Theory (3), Enforced prerequisite at enrollment: MATH 230 or Concurrent: MATH 232 or (MATH 231 and RM 214)
415 Introduction to Mathematical Statistics (3), Enforced prerequisite at enrollment: MATH 414 or STAT 414


Population and Public Health Concentration:

African American Studies (AFAM) icon-olus-circle
100N Living While Black: Themes in African American Thought and Experience (3)
302 Diversity and Health (3) Prerequisite: PSYCH 100 or SOC 001
409 Racial and Ethnic Inequality in America (3) Prerequisite: SOC 001
Biobehavioral Health (BBH) icon-olus-circle
48 Values and Health Behavior (1.5)
101 Introduction to Behavioral Health (3)
119 Behavior, Health, and Disease (3)
130 Strategies for Addressing the Obesity and Diabetes Epidemics (3)
143 Drugs, Behavior, and Health (3)
146 Introduction to Health and Human Sexuality (3)
251 Straight Talks I: Advanced Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity Peer Education (3)
302 Diversity and Health (3), Prerequisite: PSYCH 100 or SOC 001
305 Introduction to Global Health Issues (3), Prerequisite: BBH 101
315 Gender and Biobehavioral Health (3), Prerequisite: BBH 101
316 Foundations and Principles of Health Promotion (3), Prerequisite: BBH 101
324 HealthWorks Peer Education Training (3)
325 Health Promotion Services Training (3), Prerequisites: PSYCH 100 or CAS 100
370 Environmental Health and Sustainability (3), Prerequisite: BBH 101 and BBH 316
402 African Health and Development (3), Enforced prerequisite at enrollment: BBH 305
407 Global Health Equity (3), Enforced prerequisite at enrollment: BBH 101 or 3 credits in SOC
432 Biobehavioral Aspects of Stress (3), Prerequisite: BBH 101, BIOL 141, BBH 310 or equivalent
440 Principles of Epidemiology (3) / (HPA 440), Prerequisite: BBH 101 or BIOL 110 or HPA 310; STAT 200 or STAT 250
452 Women's Health Issues (3), Prerequisite: BIOL 141 or PSYCH 100 or WMNST 100
458 Critical Issues in Reproduction (3), Prerequisite: WMNST 100 or WMNST 100U or WMNST 105N or WMNST 106N or WMNST 106Q or WMNST 301 or PSYCH 100
Chinese (CHNS) icon-olus-circle
120 Introduction to Chinese Literature and Culture (3) 
Communication Arts and Sciences (CAS) icon-olus-circle
101N Introduction to Human Communication (3)
162N Communicating Care (3), Prerequisite: ENGL 15 or 30
175 Persuasion and Propaganda (3)
200 Language, Culture, and Communication (3) 
203 Interpersonal Communication (3)
206 Mediation and Communication (3) 
213 Persuasive Speaking (3), Prerequisite: CAS 100
215 Argumentation (3) 
250 Small Group Communication (3)
251 Communication, Advocacy, and Entrepreneurship
252 Business and Professional Communication (3)
253 Health Communication (3) 
271N Intercultural Communication (3) 
283 Communication and Information Technology I (3)
352 Organizational Communication (3)
404 Conflict Resolution and Negotiation (3), Prerequisite: CAS 100
421 Communication and Aging (3), Prerequisite: 3 credits of CAS
426W Communication Ethics (3), Prerequisite: CAS 100
450W Group Communication Theory and Research (3)
452 Organizational Communication Theory and Research (3) Prerequisite: CAS 100 or CAS 137H or ENGL 137H or 3rd semester standing or 6 credits of CAS
453 Health Communication Theory and Research (3), Prerequisite: CAS 100
455 Gender Roles in Communication (3), Prerequisite: 3rd semester standing
470 Nonverbal Communication (3), Prerequisite: 6 credits of CAS
471 Intercultural Communication Theory and Research (3), Prerequisite: 5th semester standing 
478 Contemporary American Political Rhetoric (3), Prerequisite: 3rd semester standing or 6 credits of CAS
483 Communication and Information Technology II (3), Prerequisite: 3rd semester standing or 6 credits of CAS
Geography (GEOG) icon-olus-circle
220 Perspectives on Human Geography (3)
230 Geographic Perspectives on Environment, Society and Sustrainability (3)
324 Place, Space and Culture (3), Prerequisites: GEOG 220 or GEOG 20 or GEOG 2N
425 Geography of Race, Class, and Poverty in America (3), Prerequisites: GEOG 126; ECON 102 or ECON 104
433 Geographies of Justice (3)
Global and International Studies (GLIS) icon-olus-circle
101N Globalization
102N Global Pathways 
Human Development and Family Studies (HDFS) icon-olus-circle
129 Introduction to Human Development and Family Studies (3)
229 Infant and Child Development (3)
239 Adolescent Development (3)
249N Adult Development and Aging (3)
250 Sexual Identity over the Life Span (3), Enforced prerequisite at enrollment: 3 credits in ANTH or BBH or CAS or COMM or CRIM or CRIMJ or GEOG or HDFS or HIST or PSYCH or SOC or WMNST
287 Intercultural Community-Building (3)
315 Family Development (3), Prerequisite: HDFS 129; 3 credits of social behavioral or human biological sciences
405 Gender and Social Development (3) Prerequisite: HDFS 129 and (HDFS 312W or 6 credits in ANTH or BBH or CAS or COMM or CRIM or CRIMJ or GEOG or HDFS or HIST or PSYCH or SOC or WMNST or BIOL or BISC) 
412 Adult-Child Relationships (3), Prerequisite: HDSF 229 OR PSYCH 212; HDFS 311; HDFS 312W; HDFS 315 OR HDFS 315Y
416 Racial and Ethnic Diversity and the American Family (3), Prerequisite: 3 credits in sociology
424 Family Development in an Economic Context (3), Prerequisite: HDFS 312W; HDFS 315 OR HDFS 315Y
428 Infant Development (3), Prerequisite: HDFS 229 or PSYCH 212; HDFS 312W
429 Advanced Child Development (3), Prerequisite: HDFS 229 or PSYCH 212; HDFS 312W
431 Family Disorganization: Stress Points in the Contemporary Family (3), Prerequisite: 6 credits in HDFS or 6 credits in PSYCH or 6 credits in SOC or (3 credits in HDFS and 3 credits in PSYCH) or (3 credits in HDFS and 3 credits in SOC) or (3 credits in PSYCH and 3 credits in SOC) 
432 Developmental Problems in Childhood and Adolescence (3), Prerequisite: HDFS 229; HDFS 239 or PSYCH 212; HDFS 312W
433 Developmental Transitions to Adulthood (3), Prerequisite: HDFS 239; HDFS 312W
434 Perspectives on Aging (3) / (SOC 435), Prerequisite: HDFS 312W; 6 credits in sociology
440 Family Policy (3), Prerequisite: 3 credits of SOC of HDFS
445 Development Throughout Adulthood (3), Prerequisite: HDFS 249; HDFS 312W or PSYCH 301W; PSYCH 200 or STAT 200 or 3 credits in STAT; 6 credits in HDFS or PSYCH or SOC
447 Issues in Gerontology (3), Prerequisite: HDFS 249 or HDFS 445; HDFS 312W
455 Development and Administration of Human Services Programs (3), Prerequisite: HDFS 311
Kinesiology (KINES) icon-olus-circle
100 The Cultural and Behavioral Foundations of Kinesiology (3)
202 Functional Human Anatomy (4)
203 Medical Terminology for Allied Health Professionals (3)
345 Meaning, Ethics, and Movement (3), Prerequisite: KINES 100
445 Alcohol and Drug Education (3), Prerequisite: 9 credits of health science and/or psychology
481W Scientific Basis of Exercise for Older Adults (3), Prerequisite: KINES 350
Latina and Latino Studies (LTNST) icon-olus-circle
100 Introduction to Latina/o Studies (3)
Nutrition (NUTR) icon-olus-circle
100 Nutrition Applications for a Healthy Lifestyle (3)
251 Introductory Principles of Nutrition (3)
360 Nutrition Education and Behavior Change Theory (3), Prerequisite: NUTR 251
361 Community and Public Health Nutrition (3), Prerequisite: NUTR 251, Concurrent course: NUTR 360
421 Biocultural Perspectives on Public Health Nutrition (3), Prerequisite: NUTR 251
425 Global Nutrition Problems: Health, Science, and Ethics
Public Policy (PUBPL) icon-olus-circle
305 Leadership Studies (3), Prerequisite: 4th semester standing
306 Introduction to Crisis and Emergency Management (3)
419 Race and Public Policy (3), Enforced prerequisite at enrollment: 3 credits in SOC
475 Critical Infrastructure Protection (3), Prerequisites: PLSC 201; HLS 4-4
482 Seminar in Health Policy (3)
490 Seminar in Public Policy (3), Prerequisite: 7th semester standing
Recreation, Park, and Tourism Management (RPTM) icon-olus-circle
120 Leisure and Human Behavior
277 Inclusive Leisure Services (3)
300Y Tourism and Leisure Behavior (3)
Rehabilitation and Human Services (RHS) icon-olus-circle
100 Introduction to Disability Culture (3)
301 Introduction to Counseling as a Profession (3)
403 Medical Aspects of Disability (3), Prerequisite: 4th semester standing or Graduate Status. Recommended preparation: 6 credits in psychology, sociology, human development and family studies and/or crime, law and justice
410 Employment Strategies for People with Disabilities (3), Prerequisites: 5th semester standing or 3 credits of LHR or LHR 100 
Rural Sociology (R SOC) icon-olus-circle
11 Introductory to Rural Sociology (3) 
Science (SC) icon-olus-circle
125N History of Infection Disease and Epidemiology (3)
135N Society and Disease Management (3)
Sociology (SOC) icon-olus-circle
1 Introduction to Sociology (3)
3 Introductory Social Psychology (3)
5 Social Problems (3)
35 Sociology of Aging (3)
110 Sociology of Gender (3)
119N Race, Ethnicity and Culture (3-4)
150N Health people, Healthy Society (3)
409 Racial and Ethnic Inequality in America (3) / (AFAM 409), Prerequisite: 3 credits in sociology
419 Race and Public Policy (3), Prerequisite: 3 credits in sociology
424 Social Change (3), Prerequisite: 3 credits in sociology 
428 Homelessness in America (3), Enforced prerequisite at enrollment: 3 credits in SOC
435 Perspectives on Aging (3), Prerequisite: HDFS 312W; 6 credits in Sociology
440 Family Policy / (HDFS 440) (3), Prerequisite: 3 credits of SOC or HDFS
451 Health, Disease & Society (3), Enforced prerequisite at enrollment: 3 credits in SOC
Sustainability (SUST) icon-olus-circle
242N Issues in Sustainability (3), Prerequisite: ENGL 15 or ENGL 30
325N Health and Environmental Sustainability (3)

Long-Term Services and Supports Concentration:

Biobehavioral Health (BBH) icon-olus-circle
48 Values and Health Behavior (1.5)
101 Introduction to Behavioral Health (3)
119 Behavior, Health, and Disease (3)
130 Strategies for Addressing the Obesity and Diabetes Epidemics (3)
143 Drugs, Behavior, and Health (3)
146 Introduction to Health and Human Sexuality (3)
251 Straight Talks I: Advanced Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity Peer Education (3)
302 Diversity and Health (3), Prerequisite: PSYCH 100 or SOC 001
305 Introduction to Global Health Issues (3), Prerequisite: BBH 101
315 Gender and Biobehavioral Health (3), Prerequisite: BBH 101
316 Foundations and Principles of Health Promotion (3), Prerequisite: BBH 101
324 HealthWorks Peer Education Training (3)
325 Health Promotion Services Training (3), Prerequisites: PSYCH 100 or CAS 100
370 Environmental Health and Sustainability (3), Prerequisite: BBH 101 and BBH 316
402 African Health and Development (3), Enforced prerequisite at enrollment: BBH 305
407 Global Health Equity (3), Enforced prerequisite at enrollment: BBH 101 or 3 credits in SOC
432 Biobehavioral Aspects of Stress (3), Prerequisite: BBH 101, BIOL 141, BBH 310 or equivalent
440 Principles of Epidemiology (3) / (HPA 440), Prerequisite: BBH 101 or BIOL 110 or HPA 310; STAT 200 or STAT 250
452 Women's Health Issues (3), Prerequisite: BIOL 141 or PSYCH 100 or WMNST 100
458 Critical Issues in Reproduction (3), Prerequisite: WMNST 100 or WMNST 100U or WMNST 105N or WMNST 106N or WMNST 106Q or WMNST 301 or PSYCH 100
Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSD) icon-olus-circle
146 Introduction to Communication Sciences and Disorders (3) 
218 American Sign Language I (3)
269 Deaf Culture (3)
Human Development and Family Studies (HDFS) icon-olus-circle
129 Introduction to Human Development and Family Studies (3)
229 Infant and Child Development (3)
239 Adolescent Development (3)
249N Adult Development and Aging (3)
250 Sexual Identity over the Life Span (3), Enforced prerequisite at enrollment: 3 credits in ANTH or BBH or CAS or COMM or CRIM or CRIMJ or GEOG or HDFS or HIST or PSYCH or SOC or WMNST
287 Intercultural Community-Building (3)
315 Family Development (3), Prerequisite: HDFS 129; 3 credits of social behavioral or human biological sciences
405 Gender and Social Development (3) Prerequisite: HDFS 129 and (HDFS 312W or 6 credits in ANTH or BBH or CAS or COMM or CRIM or CRIMJ or GEOG or HDFS or HIST or PSYCH or SOC or WMNST or BIOL or BISC) 
412 Adult-Child Relationships (3), Prerequisite: HDSF 229 OR PSYCH 212; HDFS 311; HDFS 312W; HDFS 315 OR HDFS 315Y
416 Racial and Ethnic Diversity and the American Family (3), Prerequisite: 3 credits in sociology
424 Family Development in an Economic Context (3), Prerequisite: HDFS 312W; HDFS 315 OR HDFS 315Y
428 Infant Development (3), Prerequisite: HDFS 229 or PSYCH 212; HDFS 312W
429 Advanced Child Development (3), Prerequisite: HDFS 229 or PSYCH 212; HDFS 312W
431 Family Disorganization: Stress Points in the Contemporary Family (3), Prerequisite: 6 credits in HDFS or 6 credits in PSYCH or 6 credits in SOC or (3 credits in HDFS and 3 credits in PSYCH) or (3 credits in HDFS and 3 credits in SOC) or (3 credits in PSYCH and 3 credits in SOC) 
432 Developmental Problems in Childhood and Adolescence (3), Prerequisite: HDFS 229; HDFS 239 or PSYCH 212; HDFS 312W
433 Developmental Transitions to Adulthood (3), Prerequisite: HDFS 239; HDFS 312W
434 Perspectives on Aging (3) / (SOC 435), Prerequisite: HDFS 312W; 6 credits in sociology
440 Family Policy (3), Prerequisite: 3 credits of SOC of HDFS
445 Development Throughout Adulthood (3), Prerequisite: HDFS 249; HDFS 312W or PSYCH 301W; PSYCH 200 or STAT 200 or 3 credits in STAT; 6 credits in HDFS or PSYCH or SOC
447 Issues in Gerontology (3), Prerequisite: HDFS 249 or HDFS 445; HDFS 312W
455 Development and Administration of Human Services Programs (3), Prerequisite: HDFS 311
Hospitality Management (HM) icon-olus-circle
201 Introduction to Management in the Hospitality Industry (3)
306 Hospitality in Senior Living (3)                              
Kinesiology (KINES) icon-olus-circle
100 The Cultural and Behavioral Foundations of Kinesiology (3)
202 Functional Human Anatomy (4)
203 Medical Terminology for Allied Health Professionals (3)
345 Meaning, Ethics, and Movement (3), Prerequisite: KINES 100
445 Alcohol and Drug Education (3), Prerequisite: 9 credits of health science and/or psychology
481W Scientific Basis of Exercise for Older Adults (3), Prerequisite: KINES 350
Nursing (NURS) icon-olus-circle
203 First Aid and CPR (3)
325N Health and Environmental Sustainability (3)
401 Concepts of Health (3), Prerequisite: PSYCH 100 or SOC 1
402 Holistic Health (3), Prerequisite: NURS 401
452 Women's Health Issues (3) / BBH 452, WMNST 452
464 Dying and Death (3), Prerequisite: PSYCH 100 or SOC 1
Nutrition (NUTR) icon-olus-circle
100 Nutrition Applications for a Healthy Lifestyle (3)
251 Introductory Principles of Nutrition (3)
360 Nutrition Education and Behavior Change Theory (3), Prerequisite: NUTR 251
361 Community and Public Health Nutrition (3), Prerequisite: NUTR 251, Concurrent course: NUTR 360
421 Biocultural Perspectives on Public Health Nutrition (3), Prerequisite: NUTR 251
425 Global Nutrition Problems: Health, Science, and Ethics
Recreation, Park, and Tourism Management (RPTM) icon-olus-circle
120 Leisure and Human Behavior
277 Inclusive Leisure Services (3)
300Y Tourism and Leisure Behavior (3)
Public Policy (PUBPL) icon-olus-circle
305 Leadership Studies (3), Prerequisite: 4th semester standing
306 Introduction to Crisis and Emergency Management (3)
419 Race and Public Policy (3), Enforced prerequisite at enrollment: 3 credits in SOC
475 Critical Infrastructure Protection (3), Prerequisites: PLSC 201; HLS 4-4
482 Seminar in Health Policy (3)
490 Seminar in Public Policy (3), Prerequisite: 7th semester standing
Sociology (SOC) icon-olus-circle
1 Introduction to Sociology (3)
3 Introductory Social Psychology (3)
5 Social Problems (3)
35 Sociology of Aging (3)
110 Sociology of Gender (3)
119N Race, Ethnicity and Culture (3-4)
150N Health people, Healthy Society (3)
409 Racial and Ethnic Inequality in America (3) / (AFAM 409), Prerequisite: 3 credits in sociology
419 Race and Public Policy (3), Prerequisite: 3 credits in sociology
424 Social Change (3), Prerequisite: 3 credits in sociology 
428 Homelessness in America (3), Enforced prerequisite at enrollment: 3 credits in SOC
435 Perspectives on Aging (3), Prerequisite: HDFS 312W; 6 credits in Sociology
440 Family Policy / (HDFS 440) (3), Prerequisite: 3 credits of SOC or HDFS
451 Health, Disease & Society (3), Enforced prerequisite at enrollment: 3 credits in SOC

Health Data Analytics Concentration:

Industrial Engineering (IE) icon-olus-circle
305 Product Design, Specification and Measurement (3), Enforced prerequisite at enrollment: EDSGN 100
322 Probabilistic Models in Industrial Engineering (3), Enforced prerequisite at enrollment: MATH 141
323 Stastistical Methods in Industrial Engineering (3), Enforced prerequisite as enrollment: IE 322
433 Regression Analysis and Design of Experiments (3), Enforced prerequisite at enrollment: IE 323 or STAT 319 or MATH 319 or STAT 415 or MATH 415
434 Statistical Quality Control (3), Enforced prerequisite at enrollment: IE 323 or STAT 319 or MATH 319 or STAT 415 or MATH 415
436 Six Sigma Methodology (3), Enforced prerequisite at enrollment: IE 323 or STAT 319 or MATH 319 or STAT 415 or MATH 415
Information Sciences and Technology (IST) icon-olus-circle
110 Introduction to Information, People and Technology (3)
210 Organization of Data (3), Recommended prerequisite: IST 110
220 Networking and Telecommunications (3), Recommended prerequisite: IST 110
Mathematics (MATH) icon-olus-circle
140 Calculus With Analytic Geometry I (4), Enforced prerequisite at enrollment: MATH 22 and MATH 26 or MATH 26 and satisfactory performance on the mathematics placement examination or MATH 40 or MATH 41 or satisfactory performance on the mathematics placement examination.
141 Calculus With Analytic Geometry II (4), Enforced prerequisite at Enrollment: MATH 140 or MATH 140A or MATH 140B or MATH 140E or MATH 140G or MATH 140H.
Management Information Systems (MIS) icon-olus-circle
250 Introduction to Problem Solving with Spreadsheet Analysis and Information Systems Management (3)
Security and Risk Analysis (SRA) icon-olus-circle
111 Introduction to Security and Risk Analysis (3)
Statistics (STAT) icon-olus-circle
318 Elementary Probability (3), Enforced prerequisite at enrollment: MATH 141
319 Elementary Mathematical Statistics (3), Enforced prerequisite at enrollment: MATH 318 or STAT 318 or MATH 414 or STAT 414 or STAT 418 or MATH 418
401 Experimental Methods (3), Enforced prerequisite at enrollment: MATH 111 or MATH 141
414 Introduction to Probability Theory (3), Enforced prerequisite at enrollment: MATH 230 or Concurrent: MATH 232 or (MATH 231 and RM 214)
415 Introduction to Mathematical Statistics (3), Enforced prerequisite at enrollment: MATH 414 or STAT 414