Ana Carla C. Salamunes
Ana Carla C. Salamunes
Exercise Physiology
Ph.D. Student (Advisor: Mary Jane De Souza)
Ph.D. Student (Advisor: Mary Jane De Souza)
Summary Statement
Ana’ s research interests are physiological and psychological effects of exercise in women, with a focus on energy availability, reproductive function, and disordered eating in gymnasts and female athletes in general.
Office Address
109 Noll Laboratory
University Park, PA 16802
University Park, PA 16802
- Salamunes, A.C.C., Williams, N.I., Olmsted, M., Koltun, K.J., Kuruppumullage Don, P., De Souza, M.J. Development and Validation of a Risk-Assessment Tool for Energy Deficiency in Young Active Females: The Female Energy Deficiency Questionnaire (FED-Q). In Review.
- Lundstrom, E.A., Salamunes, A.C.C., Allaway, H.C.M., Williams, N.I., De Souza, M.J. (2024). Pre-Season Energy Status Predicts Performance Across a Competitive Season in Collegiate Female Long-Distance Runners. In Review.
- Williams, N.I., Koltun, K.J., Mallinson, R.J., Ricker, E.A., Reed, J.L. Salamunes, A.C.C., Kuruppumullage Don, P., De Souza, M.J. (2024). Metabolic changes and predictors of menstrual recovery in response to a dietary intervention in exercising women with menstrual disturbances: The “Refuel” Randomized Controlled Trial. In Review.
- Salamunes, A.C.C., Williams, N.I., De Souza, M.J. (2024). Are Menstrual Disturbances Associated with an Energy Availability Threshold? A Critical Review of the Evidence. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab, epub ahead of print. doi: 10.1139/apnm-2023-0418
- Salamunes, A.C.C., Stadnik, A.M.W., Neves, E.B. (2018). Estimation of Female Body Fat Percentage Based on Body Circumferences. Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte, 24, 97–101. doi:10.1590/1517-869220182402181175
- Neves, E.B., Salamunes, A.C.C., Melo, R., Stadnik, A.M.W (2017). Effect of body fat and gender on body temperature distribution. Journal of Thermal Biology, 70, 1–8. doi:10.1016/j.jtherbio.2017.10.017
- Salamunes, A.C.C., Stadnik, A.M.W., Neves, E.B. (2017). The effect of body fat percentage and body fat distribution on skin surface temperature with infrared thermography. Journal of Thermal Biology, 66, 1–9. doi: 10.1016/j.jtherbio.2017.03.006
Additional Information
- 2024, GSSI-ACSM Young Investigator in Sports Nutrition Award, 2nd place, Gatorade Sports Science Institute and American College of Sports Medicine
- 2024, John Almquist Innovation Fund, Travel Award, Center for Reproductive Biology and Health, The Pennsylvania State University
- 2024, Janet W. McArthur, MD Award, College of Health and Human Development, The Pennsylvania State University
- 2024, Kinesiology Rapid Research Contest Award Winner, 1st place, Kinesiology Department, The Pennsylvania State University
- 2023, Best Doctoral Student Poster Presentation Award – 2023 American College of Sports Medicine Mid-Atlantic Regional Chapter (MARC) Annual Meeting
- 2023, Data Blitz Award Winner, 3rd place, International Society of Sports Nutrition Annual Meeting
- 2022, Barbara Drinkwater Student Research Travel Award, Female and Male Athlete Triad Coalition
- 2022, Center for Reproductive Biology and Health Travel Award, The Pennsylvania State University
- 2022, Penn State 2022 Graduate Student Exhibition Award Winner, 2nd place, Health and Life Sciences, The Graduate School, The Pennsylvania State University