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Supporting Courses and Concentrations

HPA Supporting Course List

The 30-credit supporting course or related area requirement is available to help you:

  1. Explore various interests to help narrow down career choices;
  2. Integrate knowledge from a variety of sources and fields as it applies to HPA; and
  3. Focus on a specific type of knowledge that could lead to a targeted career path or that might supplement a targeted career path.

Focus areas include the following concentrations: General HPA Studies, Health Services Management, Health Policy and Planning, Population and Public Health, Long-term Services and Supports, and Health Data Analytics. Your academic adviser or faculty mentor can help when deciding what courses to choose in this area.

Courses selected in consultation with your adviser:

Students are encouraged to consider how a course might be useful to their current interests and goals. An important part of academic planning is working with an academic adviser not only to understand the role of this Supporting Course requirement, but also to make sure that course selections complement the academic requirements of the Health Policy and Administration major. Visit the undergraduate bulletin for more information regarding program requirements of the HPA major.

Courses other than those listed below may be used to meet this 30-credit requirement, but course substitutions require department approval and must be consistent with the student’s plan of study.

Related university minors or certificates are a good way to provide a focus to your HPA studies. Many courses are cross-listed between the supporting course list and relevant minors and will automatically be placed in your degree audit. A list of suggested related minors is provided on our FAQ page.

Proficiency in another language can be helpful to anyone. The department will approve the substitution of up to 12 credits in a foreign language toward the 30-credit related area requirement.

Health Policy and Administration course list by concentration (July 2024)

To look for supporting courses that correspond to your area of interest, find the HPA concentration that you are interested in pursuing and select the corresponding course topics from the list below. Specific courses and their numbers can be found by expanding the individual subject area. Individuals course descriptions can be found on the university bulletin.

Reminder: To receive recognition for completing one of the HPA Concentrations, you must choose classes associated with the individual tracks listed below.

Generalist Concentration and Pre-Health Goals Concentration:

Health Services Management Concentration:

Health Policy and Planning Concentration:

Population and Public Health Concentration:

Long-Term Services and Supports Concentration:

Health Data Analytics Concentration: