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The “100-hour report(s)” are a vital part of the practicum learning experience and should be given time and careful preparation. It provides the writer the opportunity to communicate each day’s accomplishments to the internship coordinator, since on-site visits are not always feasible. It also provides the student an opportunity to evaluate the progress being made toward attaining their practicum goals. These records are important; be sure that they are well written in terms of grammar and spelling.

Guidelines and Regulations for 100-Hour Reports

  1. Use the recommended format for all reports (see recommended format for 100-hour reports included on CANVAS or on the Kinesiology web site).
  2. A report must be submitted to the internship coordinator, Lori A. Gravish Hurtack, M.S., at the end of every 100 hours. If you fail to turn in weekly reports within 1 week after each 100 hour completion, it will result in a lower course grade.
  3. The report must have the signature of the on-site supervisor to indicate that they have read it and attests to its accuracy. The on-site supervisor is encouraged to make comments regarding your progress.
  4. Discuss all daily activities from the complete accounting in your reports. Account for the number of hours spent in each activity according to the method recommended in the attached format. Each report must be in paragraph format.
  5. Discuss your progress and set goals for the upcoming weeks ahead.
  6. Save a copy of each 100-hour report. Then upload report directly to CANVAS.
  7. Internship required hours must be completed during the semester registered.
  8. Students that try to start an internship before a Penn State affiliation agreement is in place will not be allowed to count those hours towards KINES 495B or KINES 495D.

Contact Information:

Lori Gravish Hurtack, M.S., Internship Coordinator

268F Recreation Building

University Park, PA 16802


Phone: 814-865-1326

Fax: 814-865-1275