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Faculty/Staff Resources
What is Health and Human Development?

Diverse fields of study that share one
common goal: enriching the lives of others.

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A central location for all things academic to support students, families, alumni, faculty, and staff at all Penn State campuses, The Center for Student Advising and Engagement assists undergraduate students in The College of Health and Human Development (HHD) with exploring educational opportunities and developing decision-making skills that will contribute to their academic, career, and life goals. The Center serves to provide the assistance and support necessary to ensure student success.

(Under revision as part of Faculty Senate revision to University Advising Policy 32-00)

Critical Functions

  • Professional Academic Advising for all first year pre-major students in HHD as well as exploratory and HHD students still in pre-major status beyond the first year. 
  • Enable the College to take a coordinated approach to first-year engagement and retention including New Student Orientation, Welcome Week, First Year Seminars, Summer LEAP, etc.
  • Provide College level coordination of academic advising policies and procedures through the College Advising Council, professional development for advising, and represent HHD advising viewpoints throughout the College and University. 
  • Maintain advising relationships with other colleges and campuses, the Division of Undergraduate Studies, World Campus, Health Professions Advising, as well as the Office of Student Aid, Registrar, Bursar, and units focused on ensuring Student Success.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where do I send students who need assistance and/or support due to challenges and or concerns that may impact their success at Penn State? icon-olus-circle
  • The Center is a direct service and information and referral service for students in need of assistance such as financial and academic distress, health and wellness, etc.
Does the Center provide academic success planning for students who are struggling in my class? icon-olus-circle
  • The Center works directly with students identified as struggling academically.  We are working closely with the University’s new Student Success Center initiative to develop the capacity to work directly with students to establish coordinated student success plans.  
Where can I go to get help with academic policies and procedures? icon-olus-circle

The Center serves as the College’s primary resource for answering questions concerning university, college, major, and general education policies and procedures. 

Key Related Resources

Undergraduate Advising

Personnel List


Last Name
Academic Adviser
  • Student Advising and Engagement
Academic Adviser
  • Student Advising and Engagement
Recruitment Coordinator
  • Student Advising and Engagement
Academic Adviser
  • Student Advising and Engagement
Academic Adviser
  • Student Advising and Engagement
Academic Program Coordinator
  • Student Advising and Engagement
Assistant Dean for Student Services and Engagement
Summary Statement

Megan’s priorities are to create and coordinate efforts and programs that support and engage students in their own unique journey.

  • Undergraduate Education
Academic Adviser
  • Student Advising and Engagement