Faculty Senate/HHD Shared Governance
The Faculty Senate establishes, manages, and recommends policies related to the function of the university. The HHD Faculty Senators act as the representatives of the faculty within the college to both the Senate and to the college administration.
Critical Functions
- Represent faculty interests to the shared governance body of the university.
- Represent faculty interests to the shared governance body of the college.
- Disseminate information about policies and issues to the faculty and units within the college.
Frequently Asked Questions
- How can I find out when the next Faculty Senate meeting is?
The schedule of meetings, agendas, and records of previous meetings can be found at the Senate website.
- Who is my faculty senate representative?
Faculty are elected to the senate from each college/school; we have senators from many, but not all, of the individual departments and units. In addition to the list of senators and emails at the front of this document, the names of all senators from each voting unit can be found on the Senate website.
- How can I bring an issue to the Faculty Senate?
You can bring an issue to the Faculty Senate by bringing it to the attention of any Senator. That Senator will bring your concern to the attention of the appropriate officer or standing committee.