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R01HD073352-08 (Hale) 2019-2024 icon-olus-circle

NIH/State University of New York - Stony Brook

"The Fragile Families Sleep Sub-Study: Sleep Health Trajectories as a Mechanism for Understanding Disparities in Young Adulthood"

Major Goals: To investigate the sociodemographic, contextual, and behavioral predictors of young adult sleep health and how sleep health predicts young adult health and wellbeing.

Role: Co-Investigator


R03AG070812-02 (Luo) 2021-2023 icon-olus-circle


"Cohort Difference in Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer Disease and Related Dementias: Education Effect and Sex Difference"

Major Goals: The major goal of the proposed research is to develop a novel method and analyze multi-cohort longitudinal datasets to identify cohort variations and sex differences in cognitive impairment and ADRD and how education effects vary between cohorts and sex groups.

Role: Co-Investigator

1R03HD104796-02 (Morgan, Buxton, Woods) 2021-2023 icon-olus-circle

NIH/Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development

"Investigating Sleep-Related Disparities in U.S. Children's Learning Difficulties"

Major Goals: Our project is among the first to assess these gaps through analysis of two nationally representative, longitudinal datasets that include rich and detailed data on both sleep health and learning: the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study, and the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study- Kindergarten cohort on 2010-2011.

Role: mPI

1UF1AG072619-01 (Gamaldo) 2021-2024 icon-olus-circle


"Psychosocial and Neighborhood Mechanisms and Consequences of Black-White Sleep Disparities on Cognition"

Major Goals: This longitudinal study will examine the association between sleep and cognitive functioning over time as well as the impact of life stressors, sleep, inflammatory biomarkers, and/or resilient factors on racial disparities in cognitive decline.

Role: Co-Investigator

2T32AG049676-06 (Martire) 2016-2026 icon-olus-circle


"Psychosocial Determinants and Biological Pathway to Healthy Aging (Pathways)"

Major Goals: The major goal of the proposed research is to launch the careers of future leaders in aging research, within and beyond academia, who possess the knowledge and skills to advance aging science. We seek to accomplish this goal through two types of training activities.

Role: Co-Investigator

1UL1TR002014-01 (Sinoway) 2016-2026 icon-olus-circle


“Penn State Clinical and Translational Science Institute”

Major Goals: Advancing clinical and translational science to improve health and defeat disease requires a unique set of expertise and supports—ranging from capacity for effective multidisciplinary team science, to a cohesive infrastructure of research IT and data sharing, novel approaches to training a new and diverse workforce, and strengths in building partnerships with the varied communities we serve. We propose to build on the foundation we have established at Penn State, to further expand our capacity to motivate and support multidisciplinary translational research that reaches across our University and to other institutions, and educates a new generation of the workforce to achieve rigorous, high impact, clinical and translational science.

Role: Chair, Steering Committee, Clinical Research Committee; I co-led the writing of the Training (T) component.

R01MD011600 (Grandner, M) 2018-2022 icon-olus-circle


“Sleep and Cardiometabolic Health Disparities at the US/Mexico Border: The Nogales Cardiometabolic Health and Sleep (NoCHeS) Study”

The major goals of this project are to determine the role of acculturation in sleep disturbances among Mexican-Americans at the US-Mexico border, and examining the role of sleep in cardiometabolic health disparities.

Role: Co-Investigator (subcontract PI)

2R01DK88244-07 (Paul, I) 2018-2023 icon-olus-circle


“Preventing Obesity through Intervention during Infancy”

Major Goals: This renewal application seeks to follow participants in the Intervention Nurses Start Infants Growing on Healthy Trajectories (INSIGHT) study from age 3 years into middle childhood. INSIGHT is a randomized, controlled trial evaluating a responsive parenting (RP) intervention designed to prevent rapid infant weight gain and childhood obesity among first-born infants.

Role: Co-Investigator

1 K01 HL140283-01A1 (Nguyen-Rodriguez, S) 2018-2023 icon-olus-circle


“Multilevel Antecedents of Sleep in Latino Youth”

Role: Co-Investigator, Mentor

R01AG056538 (Derby & Buxton, mPI) 2019-2023 icon-olus-circle


“Application of ambulatory methods for assessing short- and long-term associations of sleep health with cognitive decline in older adults”

Major Goals: This project builds upon the strengths of a well-established Program Project, the Einstein Aging Study (EAS: NIA P01 AG003949). The EAS will provide longitudinal measures of both traditional clinic-based cognitive assessments and novel, ecologically meaningful ambulatory cognitive assessments on 500 individuals age 70+. Annual assessments also include medical history and cardiovascular risk factors. By adding objective measures of sleep (actigraphy, oximetry) to this cohort, we will examine the associations of sleep with cognitive decline and MCI and the role of inflammatory and vascular mechanisms that may underlie these associations.

Role: mPI

R03AG064360 (Marini) 2019-2024 icon-olus-circle


“Sleep as a Mechanism through Which Marital Quality Influences Older Adults’ Mental Health”

Major Goals: This study examines objective and subjective measures of sleep, relative to loneliness, as mechanisms through which marital quality influences mental health later in life using three waves of longitudinal data spanning ten years from the National Social Life, Health, and Aging Project.

Role: Co-Investigator

R01HD073352 (Hale) 2019-2024 icon-olus-circle

“Longitudinal behavioral, sociodemographic, and contextual predictors of young adult sleep health and well-being”

Major Goals: The goal of this competing renewal is to investigate the sociodemographic, contextual, and behavioral predictors of young adult sleep health and how sleep health predicts young adult health and wellbeing.

Role: co-I (subcontract PI)

R44 AG056250 (Gartenberg) 2020-2023 icon-olus-circle


“A non-pharmacological multi-modal therapy to improve sleep and cognition to reduce mild cognitive impairment risk”

Major Goals: The overall objective is to evaluate non-pharmacological interventions to improve sleep efficiency as well as next day cognitive performance in community-dwelling older adults (65+ years old).

Role: Co-Investigator (Subcontract Principal Investigator)

2P01 AG003949 (C.Derby/R.Lipton/O.Buxton) 2022-2026 icon-olus-circle


"Einstein Aging Study"

Major Goals: The overall focus of the Einstein Aging Study (EAS) is to identify the earliest cognitive, metabolic, anatomic, and neuropathologic markers that distinguish normal aging from dementia in a large community-based sample.

Role: mPI


1 T32 LM012415-01 (Ritchie, Honavar, Li) 2016-2021
“Biomedical Big Data to Knowledge (B2D2K) Predoctoral Training Grant”
The Biomedical Big Data to Knowledge (B2D2K) Training Program at The Pennsylvania State University will bring together Data Science researchers and educators to create a truly transformative multi-disciplinary predoctoral training environment.
Role: Senior/Key Personnel; Faculty mentor; Chair, Admissions Committee

AG049676-02 (Almeida) 2016-2021
“Psychosocial Determinants and Biological Pathway to Healthy Aging (Pathways)”
The goal of the Pathways T32 Training Program is to train the next generation of scientists to identify psychosocial determinants and biological pathways that underlie healthy and unhealthy aging.
Role: Mentor

R01HD087266 (Teti) 2016-2021
“Parenting, Child Sleep, and the Transition to Kindergarten”
This study will use an innovative measurement-burst design to assess child sleep (quality, duration, and lability), parenting, and co-parenting and personal distress as predictors of child sleep characteristics, with assessments obtained before kindergarten begins and three times across the school year. Children’s learning engagement, academic progress, socio-emotional functioning, executive functioning, and literacy skills will be assessed at all time points.
Role: Co-Investigator

(Almeida, Smyth) 2015-2021
"Lifestyle & medication management to lower diabetes risk in severe mental illness”
Everyday Stress Response Targets in the Science of Behavior Change” The overarching goal of this project is to use an experimental medicine approach to develop an efficient, ecologically valid, within-person approach to measuring and intervening on the deleterious effects of everyday stress on meeting recommended levels of two health behaviors: physical activity and sleep patterns.
Role: Co-Investigator

1R01DK103663-01A1 (Wagner) 2015-2021
"Lifestyle & medication management to lower diabetes risk in severe mental illness”
Serious mental illness (SMI), including chronic depression and post-traumatic stress disorder, are known risk factors for type 2 diabetes. The overarching goal of this study is to test the relative effects of lifestyle, medication management, and collaborative care interventions on diabetes risk in persons with SMI and significant health disparities.
Role: Subcontract Principal Investigator

R01HL107240-01 (Buxton, PI) 2011-2016

“Evaluating cardiometabolic and sleep health benefits of a workplace intervention”
The Work, Family and Health Study is an ongoing, randomized, controlled trial of an innovative workplace intervention to improve employee health. This ancillary study adds objective health outcomes in mid level managers, a focus of the intervention, to evaluate the effects of the workplace intervention on managers' cardiometabolic and sleep health, and represents a unique opportunity to study the multi-level factors influencing health in the workplace.
Role: Principal Investigator

U01 AG027669 (Berkman, PI) 2008-2015

“Evaluating the Health Benefits of Workplace Policies and Practices - Phase II”
Although the prevalence of “family-friendly” policies in US workplaces has increased dramatically, few have been studied using scientifically sound designs. To address this, NIH and CDC formed the Work, Family, and Health Network (WFHN). During Phase 1, WFHN designed and conducted multiple pilot and feasibility studies. For Phase 2, the WFHN has been called upon to implement an innovative intervention based on Phase I pilot studies that is designed to increase family-supportive supervisor behaviors and employee control over work, and to evaluate the intervention using a group randomized experimental design.
Role: Subcontract Principal Investigator

Pilot (Noll, PI) 2016-2017
Social Science Research Institute (SSRI), Pennsylvania State University
“Female growth and development study 30-year follow up”
Prospective longitudinal studies of specific mechanisms by which sexual abuse impinges on development over the life course are needed. This substudy focuses on the relative impact of early maldevelopment on later adulthood (midlife) functioning, including sleep health and hair cortisol as a stress marker.
Role: Subcontract Principal Investigator

Big Data Pilot Grant (Chang, A-M, PI) 2015-2016
Penn State University Clinical & Translational Science Institute (CTSI) / funded by NIH
“Complex interactions of behavior, genes, and environment in the multi-system characterization of the effects of sleep loss on health, cardio-metabolic disease risk, cognition, and the epigenome”
This project examines effects of sleep restriction on glucose and lipid metabolism, adipocyte function, cognition, retinal blood flow, autonomic regulation of the heart, and physiologic measures of physiological stress, as well as transcriptome and epigenetic changes in blood mononuclear cells and adipocytes.
Role: Co-Investigator

Supplemental pilot (Olson, PI) 2013-2014

“Sleep Actigraphy in a Trucker Weight Loss Intervention Trial”
The purpose of this subproject is to train researchers on the scoring of de-identified sleep actigraphy data to eventually determine the effects of a social support intervention in truckers. Long-haul truck drivers have overweight and obesity rates almost 20% higher than the general population. Obesity has established mortality and disease consequences, including heart disease, diabetes, and sleep apnea. Driver health is also a public safety hazard because obesity and sleep apnea increase the risk of deadly crashes. Despite the growing health crisis, there is a lack of effective weight loss and health promotion interventions for truck drivers. To address this research gap we developed an innovative intervention that is integrated with the job structure and modern technologies of truck driving.
Role: Subcontract Principal Investigator

R01 HL094806 (Scheer, PI) 2009-2014

“Mechanisms underlying adverse health consequences of shift work”
The goal of the present proposal is to determine the effect of simulated shift work on physiological changes that increase susceptibility to the development of diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular disease and to determine whether this effect is amplified in individuals with pre-diabetes.
Role: Co-Investigator

Marino, PI 2011-2013
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

"Quantifying Change in Cardiometabolic Disease Risk" has been approved for the amount of $10,000
The goal of this study is to integrate novel biostatistical and epidemiological methods with cardiometabolic expertise to develop and evaluate a cumulative cardiometabolic risk score that is optimized on modifiable risk factors so as to detect intervention or experimental effects.
Role: Co-Investigator

P01 AG009975 (Czeisler, PI) 2006-2013
NIH/NIA Program Project

“Sleep Aging and Circadian Rhythm Disorders”
Project 3 “Metabolic Aging: Endocrine And Cardiovascular Consequences Of Sleep Restriction (Buxton PI)
This project seeks to address that gap in our knowledge by using a well-established laboratory model to study what differences may exist between the sleep efficiency of older and younger subjects under conditions of chronic sleep restriction. Project #3 on ‘metabolic aging’ seeks to understand the endocrine and cardiovascular consequences of sleep restriction in both young and older subjects.
Role: Project Leader

R21 DK089378 (Scheer/Saxena, co-PIs) 2010-2012

“Impact of MTNR1B and CRY2 Variants on Sleep, Circadian Physiology and Metabolism”
The goal is to determine the impact of genetic variants of MTNR1B on circadian, metabolic and sleep variables and to help explain the increased risk for the development of diabetes in carriers of the risk SNP.
Role: Co-Investigator

ESRC-0977 (Buxton, PI) 2008-2011
Sepracor, Inc.

“Effects of daytime eszopiclone administration in shift workers on overnight wakefulness during a subsequent simulated nightshift”
The goal of this project is to determine whether improving daytime sleep quality in shiftworkers improves subsequent nighttime wakefulness and neurobehavioral performance.
Role: Principal Investigator

1U19 OH008861-01 (Sorensen, PI) 2009-2011

"Harvard Center of Excellence to Promote a Healthier Workforce": Project A - "Integrated approaches to improving the health and safety of health care workers”
The goal of this center is to establish a sustainable transdisciplinary program devoted to research, education and dissemination to facilitate the integration of occupational safety and health and health promotion.
The biomarker sub-study incorporates objective physiologic markers of health into the parent study.
Role: Subcontract Principal Investigator

UL1 RR025758 (Scheer, PI) 2009-2010
“Mechanistic impact of the novel MTNR1B Type 2 diabetes gene on changes in circadian metabolic and sleep physiology”
The goal is to determine the impact of genetic variants of MTNR1B on circadian, metabolic and sleep variables and to help explain the increased risk for the development of diabetes in carriers of the risk SNP.
Role: Co-Investigator

Grant (Berkman PI) 2007-2009
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation

Longitudinal Analyses Linking Workplace Flexibility to Physical Health Outcomes
The goal of this project is to determine longitudinal relationships between work factors and health outcomes.