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Biobehavioral Health
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Current Projects:

  • The genetic and epigenetic epidemiology of complex traits in minority populations
  • Gene-environment interactions, with a focus on the effect of social and family environments on common genetic variants
  • The intergenerational transmission of chronic disease risk and adverse pregnancy outcomes via biological (genetic, epigenetic) and psychosocial mechanisms
  • Natural experiments related to immigration policy changes and the health of minority communities 

Affiliated Longitudinal Studies:

Research Funding & Partners:

  • American Heart Association Mid-Atlantic Affiliate Dissertation Grant –PI: Fernández-Rhodes, Title: Acculturation and its interaction with genetic obesity susceptibility among United States Hispanics
  • Population Research Institute Innovation, Collaboration and Leadership Team Grant and Social Science Research Institute Supported PSU Research Date Center Analysis using Restricted NHANES Data - MPIs: Fernandez-Rhodes, Frisco, Title: The health of immigrant families: How structural incorporation fear, stress and avoidance shape well-being"
  • R01 from NHLBI –MPIs: Graff, Fernández-Rhodes, Title: Leveraging Hispanic/Latino diversity to map and characterize cardiovascular disease loci
  • R21 from NHLBI –PI: Fernández-Rhodes, Title: Bio-Social Pathways Linking Socioeconomic Adversity to Obesity