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Health and Human Development Alumni Society Awards

Alumni Recognition for Student Excellence Awards

The Alumni Recognition for Student Excellence Awards are presented to a senior in each academic unit of the college for outstanding performance, achievement, and contributions within his/her major.

Edith Pitt Chace Award

The Edith Pitt Chace Award is presented annually to two students who demonstrate outstanding scholarship and leadership in the College of Health and Human Development and at Penn State.

Student Service Award

The Student Service Award is presented to one student annually whose interests and actions enhance the College of Health and Human Development and its Alumni Society by promoting service to individuals, families, and communities and encouraging and fostering personal and professional development.

Faculty Appreciation Award

The Faculty Appreciation Award is presented to one individual annually who actively promotes relationships among students, faculty members, staff members, and alumni above and beyond the demands of his/her job.

Got Grit Award

The “Got Grit” Award recognizes outstanding achievement by an undergraduate, of at least sophomore standing, who has demonstrated progressive and positive growth in their performance and who has exhibited perseverance and passion in pursuit of their education.