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What is Health and Human Development?

Diverse fields of study that share one
common goal: enriching the lives of others.

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An individual needs to modify their swipe access and Critical one-time need to access a space that they don’t have access to.

Routine requests for new building card swipe clearance:

  1. Employee submits a request (email, phone, Teams, etc.) to their supervisor identifying the buildings that the employee needs to access.
  2. The supervisor forwards an email with their approval to HHD Facilities : Kevin Kelliher (  The email should include the name plus nine digit PSU ID number for each employee and a list of the locations that the supervisor has approved.  The email should include their Department Head/Center Director in the CC line.
  3. HHD Facilities will provision the specified clearances to approved employees and “Reply to all” with an email notification when the clearances are active.
  4. These clearances will remain active until further notice.

Critical one-time requests for new building card swipe clearance:

  1. Employee contacts HHD Facilities: Kevin Kelliher ( via email, phone, Teams, etc. to request access.
  2. HHD Facilities verifies employee information and provisions the specified clearances. 
  3. HHD Facilities documents the request for access via email to the employee, their supervisor and the Department Head/Center Director.
  4. To have the clearance remain active, supervisors are requested to provide their approval via response to the email. 
  5. Once approved, these clearances will remain active until further notice.

An individual has to access a non-swipe equipped facility that they don’t have regular access to currently.

Campus buildings that are not equipped with card swipe readers can be accessed by calling UP Police Services at 814-863-1111.

Other access requests

Please contact HHD Facilities via email, phone, Teams, etc. with other requests or inquiries on access.